100 – Stolen

  • 1. There are plenty of ways to enter a pool. The stairs is not one of them.

    2. Never cancel dinner plans by text message.

    3. Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

    4. If a street performer makes you stop walking, you owe him a buck.

    5. Always use ‘we’ when referring to your home team or your government.

    6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

    7. Don’t underestimate free throws in a game of ‘horse’.

    8. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

    9. Don’t dumb it down.

    10. You only get one chance to notice a new haircut.

    11. If you’re staying more than one night, unpack.

    12. Never park in front of a bar.

    13. Expect the seat in front of you to recline. Prepare accordingly.

    14. Keep a picture of your first fish, first car, and first boy/girlfriend.

    15. Hold your heroes to a high standard.

    16. A suntan is earned, not bought.

    17. Never lie to your doctor.

    18. All guns are loaded.

    19. Don’t mention sunburns. Believe me, they know.

    20. The best way to show thanks is to wear it. Even if it’s only once.

    21. Take a vacation of your cell phone, internet, and TV once a year.

    22. Don’t fill up on bread, no matter how good.

    23. A handshake beats an autograph.

    24. Don’t linger in the doorway. In or out.

    25. If you choose to go in drag, don’t sell yourself short.

    26. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature.

    27. Never get your hair cut the day of a special event.

    28. Be mindful of what comes between you and the Earth. Always buy good shoes, tires, and sheets.

    29. Never eat lunch at your desk if you can avoid it.

    30. When you’re with new friends, don’t just talk about old friends.

    31. Eat lunch with the new kids.

    32. When traveling, keep your wits about you.

    33. It’s never too late for an apology.

    34. Don’t pose with booze.

    35. If you have the right of way, take it.

    36. You don’t get to choose your own nickname.

    37. When you marry someone, remember you marry their entire family.

    38. Never push someone off a dock.

    39. Under no circumstances should you ask a woman if she’s pregnant.

    40. It’s not enough to be proud of your ancestry; live up to it.

    41. Don’t make a scene.

    42. When giving a thank you speech, short and sweet is best.

    43. Know when to ignore the camera.

    44. Never gloat.

    45. Invest in good luggage.

    46. Make time for your mom on your birthday. It’s her special day, too.

    47. When opening presents, no one likes a good guesser.

    48. Sympathy is a crutch, never fake a limp.

    49. Give credit. Take blame.

    50. Suck it up every now and again.

    51. Never be the last one in the pool.

    52. Don’t stare.

    53. Address everyone that carries a firearm professionally.

    54. Stand up to bullies. You’ll only have to do it once.

    55. If you’ve made your point, stop talking.

    56. Admit it when you’re wrong.

    57. If you offer to help don’t quit until the job is done.

    58. Look people in the eye when you thank them.

    59. Thank the bus driver.

    60. Never answer the phone at the dinner table.

    61. Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

    62. Know at least one good joke.

    63. Don’t boo. Even the ref is somebody’s son.

    64. Know how to cook one good meal.

    65. Learn to drive a stick shift.

    66. Be cool to younger kids. Reputations are built over a lifetime.

    67. It’s okay to go to the movies by yourself.

    68. Dance with your mother/father.

    69. Don’t lose your cool. Especially at work.

    70. Always thank the host.

    71. If you don’t understand, ask before it’s too late.

    72. Know the size of your boy/girlfriend’s clothes.

    73. There is nothing wrong with a plain t-shirt.

    74. Be a good listener. Don’t just wait for your turn to talk.

    75. Keep your word.

    76. In college, always sit in the front. You’ll stand out immediately.

    77. Carry your mother’s bags. She carried you for nine months.

    78. Be patient with airport security. They’re just doing their jobs.

    79. Don’t be the talker in a movie.

    80. The opposite sex likes people who shower.

    81. You are what you do, not what you say.

    82. Learn to change a tire.

    83. Be kind. Everyone has a hard fight ahead of them.

    84. An hour with grandparents is time well spent. Ask for advice when you need it.

    85. Don’t litter.

    86. If you have a sister, get to know her boyfriend. Your opinion is important.

    87. You won’t always be the strongest or the fastest. But you can be the toughest.

    88. Never call someone before 9am or after 9pm.

    89. Buy the orange properties in Monopoly.

    90. Make the little things count.

    91. Always wear a bra at work.

    92. There is a fine line between looking sultry and slutty. Find it.

    93. You’re never too old to need your mom.

    94. Ladies, if you make the decision to wear heels on the first date, commit to keeping them on and keeping your trap shut about how much your feet kill.

    95. Know the words to your national anthem.

    96. Your dance moves might not be the best, but I promise making a fool of yourself is more fun then sitting on the bench alone.

    97. Smile at strangers.

    98. Make goals.

    99. Being old is not dictated by your bedtime.

  • 100. If you have to fight, punch first and punch hard.



It’s Not About The Nail

If I had a dollar for every time…

He’s pretty much word for word accurate on this one.  I’m just glad to know I am not alone after seeing this.

One day us guys will get it….or buy a hammer. 🙂









































One day.

I Love You, I Love Me

“The words ‘I love you’ are beautiful, rich and opulent… But spoken most truly when originating from a mouth that can utter ‘I love me’ with equal passion” – BG

I love me.

Those free thinking renegades are at it again.

Will History Repeat Itself?

sJust another image to help the punishment pass by. This is a snap shot of the $SPX S&P500 over the last 13 years. Things are looking about the same, but honestly none of this means anything until it actually starts happening. I really hope that anyone taking the time to read this is out there thinking about protecting their profits. This is not the time to be greedy.



It’s over Johnny.

Press on. Nothi…

Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

While taking a self inventory of myself this morning I remembered this quote. I think its an important quote to bring up because some of the aspects of my life are really beginning to challenge me and who I am.  Stock market, relationship, job, bike racing, the gym etc. but I have my mind in the right place, my determination at max, I’m remaining mechanical, and remembering to be persistent. 


Keep moving forward. 


Happy Friday!

Riddle Me This Batman

How is it that the NASDAQ has spent the last week or so going straight up, while its biggest stock (Apple) has gone straight down.


A week ago if I had told you that today the NASDAQ would be at all time highs you would guess AAPL would be at?

  1. 520
  2. 420

My guess is that 100% of the world would have bet A. and mortgaged the house on it.




Make this shit stop.


Do I need to buy AAPL?


Signs Of Implosion

I think its time we get back to talking about some of my strengths: identify weakness and being a cynical motherfucker about just about everything. Today I want to talk about how that applies to our global markets.


Today your word of the day is: Complacent.

That’s what are markets are, that’s what are citizens are, that’s currently the world. That’s dangerous.


Because too much of anything is a bad thing. Too much of one opinion is too damn much and typically triggers a reversal. Fair warning I fully expect this post to get more and more vulgar as I right because even as I am doing it the market place/globe is getting more and more irrational and my blood is once again nearing its boiling point. I digress.

So what’s my measure of complacency?

Implied volatility. Here’s Investopedia’s definition

I am effectively using it as a measure of fear. When IV is low, there is no fear. Everyone is honkey dory bullish, everything is positive, puppies are cute, Obama is a hero, big banks are cool, etc.

Well lets look at the financial sector of the market for a moment. If you have not seen an option page before do not fret, I’ll point everything out for you. Think of a bell curve, typically most things fall in the middle statistically, that is also the happy medium. 100% percentile is extremely volatile/risky, 0% is no fear at all, Winnie the god damn Pooh.


So let’s look at the implied volatility percentiles on some of the harbingers, etf’s and the market itself.

Let’s start with the 30000 foot view. As Drake would say. “Started from the bottom now we Ear.” Yes open your ears and listen to what the market is telling you! Look at this bubble blowing that we have going on. We are at all time highs in mediocre economic conditions. No I wont reference that. We are. Look around. You are a fool if you think unemployment has been fixed or think that inflation is not taking an effect. You have you head in your own ass if you think that the middle class of the USA is “healthy” Anyway. All time highs with all time high intervention. Coincidently I left 2008 in there so we could be reminded what it looks like when stocks sell off. Complacency is dangerous. This is not the first time this has happened.

How about Bank of America, coined to big to fail and a Harbinger of the US financial market place. 3%. You have got to be shitting me. Nothing could possibly be wrong with this bank. Nope none at all. Big bad Bernake and Co. have bought up all of the fear surrounding it.



Well how does this compare with the financial sector itself? 15%… find me a trade in that shit please. Scary. If it stays like this any longer, I may just start to accept it.


Not convinced how about another big bank run by another group of cracker jack fuckers. JP Morgan. 9%.


Im still convinced there is another bank of there that is the maxed out golden child. Let em see if I can find it.




Oh here it is! None other than the Vampire Squid itself. In, get this, the ZERO percentile!!!!!111111one one one. WTF .



Look at this shit!




So what happens when these bubbles burst? What does decoupling look like?

If the first chart wasn’t enough here is Netflix last year….

How about the poster child Apple? Is the decoupling over yet? I thought this was the most valuable company ever?